
Listening and responding to your specific needs as an individual, team or organisation in the non-profit sector

PRACTICAL AND EFFECTIVE APPROACH TO LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENTTargeted interventions to suit organisational culture and needs

The challenges faced by non-profit organisations have many areas in common, including high levels of stress, resource constraints and interpersonal issues. Yet, these may play out in very different ways depending on the organisational context.

Adhering to our own principles and values, we take the time to listen to your organisational needs before recommending any particular program.

Once we have agreement on the core issues to be addressed, together we explore possible options for intervention. These may range from:

  • Individual one-to-one coaching sessions with selected leaders in your organisation to help them address specific challenges
  • Workshops aimed at enhancing personal performance, communication skills, collaboration and well-being
  • Piloting the TeamUp Experience online with selected teams in your organisation
  • Working with you to develop your own in-house version of our platform and materials for staff development and training.

Get in touch

with our non-profit specialist Mark Allison to explore
how TeamUp could make a difference in your organisation.

Get in touch