
An innovative approach to team training and development
in times of rapid change


The external world in which working teams find themselves today is changing at an ever-increasing pace through digitalisation,  greater competition and an increasingly unpredictable and scary global landscape.

At the same time our internal worlds are becoming more complex. There is an increased desire to align meaning and purpose with career development; we have more complex relationships to manage and increased levels of stress to deal with.

We offer a range of one, two and three-day workshops, provided as:

  • stand-alone seminars;
  • an effective launch for related interventions such as the TeamUp Coaching Program;
  • a refresher for TeamUp graduates in the organisation and an opportunity to link various groups together to share insights and build a network of support.

Each of our workshops are built around the challenges facing leaders, teams and organisations today. New insights and learning arise in an experiential way.

We start by conducting an in-depth interview with relevant people in your organisation to fully understand the behaviours and dynamics of the team identified for the workshop. Based on individual client briefs, workshops are then designed to enhance individual leadership and teamwork skills in the core areas of resilience, communication and collaboration.

Our workshops are delivered in a highly participatory way. Theory and science are combined with individual and break-out group exercises. Specific case studies and stories from our experience in coaching executives illustrate how to apply these skills effectively in the workplace. Participants are given time during each session to bring their own leadership and collaboration challenges to the group, including issues across cultures and geographical separation.

Our methodology can be applied across a range of organisational needs. Examples of workshops we developed with previous clients include:

  • Developing high-performing teams
  • Managing change and transitions in a complex world
  • Leading with wisdom

The emphasis of the workshops is based on individual client briefs and aims to further enhance individual and collective leadership and management capabilities in order to improve personal performance, communication skills and organizational effectiveness.

Get in touch

With one of our coaches and we will call you back at your desired time.

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Back in October 2012 myself (Gaston) and Brian sat down with fellow coaches, a few business leaders and some mindfulness practitioners and pondered the following: for 30 years we’ve been using a mindfulness based approach to successfully coach some of the worlds most successful people to lead happier, healthier and more effective lives…so why weren’t we doing this for everyone?

“Having conscious leaders is great but why not take this approach to a wider group of individuals and make a real impact on this planet’s consciousness.”

After a great deal of discussion and debate (done mindfully of course) we came up with an outline plan. Take our unique leadership model and turn it into a 9 week online coaching program. Learnings from each module would build on the previous week’s learnings and the time spent in between modules would be used to apply the newly learnt practices into day-to-day life. 9 weeks was also enough time for new, positive behaviours to get rewired into the brain (the brain actually starts to physically change and adapt after 8 weeks).

The second part of our discussion was how to deliver the content in a way that would inspire new insights and transformation, would keep people engaged, motivated, accountable and at the same time was fun. We also needed make sure it stayed affordable so that we could bring conscious living to the lives of as many people as possible.

Suddenly we had one of those aha moments! Coaching in groups. Research had shown how powerful it was in effecting change. It would also be more fun and engaging and it tapped into one of our core values as a community – supporting each other to make each other and the world a better and more conscious place.

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